Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Overseas Jobs

Hooray!! I have submitted my dissertation!!! I have been working on my thesis for almost a year. Glad to have completed it and see the back of it. The sight of it makes me wanna puke. =P Hopefully I can get a B+ for my dissertation. Then my second lower will be secured.

And oh yar…I failed to get the Mapletree job. I called the interviewer and she told me that those who have been selected had already been notified. Sigh…. I really wanted the job because the pay is good and most importantly, it will send me overseas. Oh well….

Life is such an irony. I know of many people who actually do not have the desire to go overseas. Yet, they managed to find jobs that will send them overseas. As for me, I really wish to go overseas!!! But I just cannot get a job that will send me overseas. Sigh…

Some of you might be asking...why do I wish to go overseas so badly? There are a couple of reasons. 1) Well I am a sucker for new experiences. I like to experience a new culture. I want to see new things and experience another way of living. 2) Overseas experience can toughen me up. I always believe that “What doesn’t kills you goes to make you stronger”. We are living in a very sheltered environment in Singapore. I always want to be more independent, stronger and better. And honestly, I feel that I will never be able to do that if I remain in Singapore. 3) I wish to start everything afresh. Sometimes, I really wish that life can be like a computer game. When you are bored with the current scenario/outcome of the game, you just hit the restart button and everything will start all over again. You can play the game until you manage to achieve the outcome that you are satisfied with. There are a lot of unhappy memories over here and there are many things that I am not happy with. By going overseas, it is like hitting the restart button where I can start everything all over again. 4) I want to run away from NS! I am damn unfortunate to be sent to a former best infantry unit for my reservist. The training is tough and the officers are crazy. I have to wear full-battle combat, put on camou cream and endure the bites of the mosquitoes all over again. And guess what. My former recruit who was sent to the People Defense Force gets to go for Nights Off at 3p.m. in the afternoon!!! Life is so unfair!!

I want to become stronger and better. I want to gain recognition. I want to be someone that people look up to and someone that people remember. Social status, prestige and reputation are extremely important to me. Seriously, just like Sasuke, I am willing to do anything to achieve my goal. But sigh…, but unlike Sasuke, I do not have an Orochimaru who wants to take my body!! =P

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

IQ Test

Testriffic IQ test

Haha not bad not bad. Quite happy with the score. =)
But sigh...juz surfing around just now...reading my cousin's and my friends' blogs. I realised that all of them have wonderful command of language. Their command of the English language are much better than mine. I really wondering what I have been doing all these years. Perhaps I have been simply too lazy. Always taking the easy way out. Whenever I do projects, I will simply use google to search for good sentences or nice phrases and just copy and paste. Never bother to write or construct my own sentences. Oh well, I guess I will have to practise more. I shall try to blog more. Take it as practicing my English. =)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Dog Overview

This kind of planetary environment is at first sight not so easy to live with. It is above all the one that provokes profound calls into question. It incites all natives of the sign to devote themselves to a very critical analysis, not only of themselves but also of their general situation and of their relationships with others. If you know how to profit well by such influxes, then you'll succeed in giving your existence a new and more exalting meaning. This will on the whole be a lucky year -- on condition that you do not undermine it with errors of judgment and vain gossip. You'll have plenty of good ideas and perfectly achievable original projects. Don't disclose your plans; remind yourself that 'the lion while hunting doesn't roar' (Nigritian proverb). Beware of the persons whom you might have let into your secrets, as some of them might profit by them at your expense and you become aware of this only too late.

Happy Chinese New Year Peeps!!! The Year of the Dog is finally over!! It has been said that all signs will have bad luck during the year of that particular sign. Well, I was born in the Year of the Dog. So last year wasn't a particular good one for me except for the fact that I found my beloved Yun. =) Hee so I am looking forward to having a better year. Yup Gong Hei Fatt Choy people!! Huat ah!!! Haha!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


This interesting website predicts your future by calculating the number of strokes that you have inside your chinese characters. http://www.name321.com/zzcm.htm Its quite interesting and some of the predicitons/readings are quite accurate. =)

姓名:陈俊铭  笔画分别是:16(火) 9(火) 14(金)   天格.人格.地格.总格.外格数分别:17(金) 25(土) 23(火) 39(水) 15(土)  总评数理得分:83 分 (吉) 详细解说如下:
天格数理 17(金)[又称先格,是祖先留下来的,对人生影响不大],暗示:(刚强)权威刚强,突破万难,如能容忍,必获成功。 (半吉)

人格数理 25(土)[又称主格,是姓名的中心点,主管人一生命运],暗示:(荣俊)资性英敏,才能奇特,克服傲慢,尚可成功。 (半吉) 性情表面温和而个性倔强,喜好面子,做事过多考虑自己的身份和举止。比较注重心计,事事讲求十全十美。注意:当达不到自己的企求和理想时不要产生不满的情绪。此格之人凡事宜守为安,不要好高骛远。

地格数理 23(火)[又称前运,是前半生的命运,会影响中年以前],暗示:(壮丽)旭日东升,壮丽壮观,权威旺盛,功名荣达。 (吉)

总格数理 39(水)[又称后运,是后半生的命运,影响中年到老年],暗示:(富贵荣华)富贵荣华,财帛丰盈,暗藏险象,德泽四方。 (半吉)

外格数理 15(土)[又称灵运,主管命运之灵力、社交能力和智慧],暗示:(福寿)福寿圆满,富贵荣誉,涵养雅量,德高望重。 (吉)

天、人、地三才 7 5 3(金土火)暗示健康、生活是否顺利为:  可得意外成功发展,名利双收,境遇稳固,要注意心血管疾病。(半吉)  

人格与外格(五五)搭配,暗示人际关系、社交能力、事业等信息为:温顺忠厚,做事沉着,执拗心强。有大志,讨厌小事;性偏倔,易亲易离。能平和公正者,受众人扶持而成功。 (吉) 

人格数理 25 暗示性格为:心多洗练,容易亲近,温和沉着,有雅量,对人有同情心,荣誉心强。属于能享受家庭幸福的命运。其内心有刚毅心肠,却不显于外表。有易亲近的一面,又有易疏冷的缺点,其嫉妒心稍强。

人格与天格搭配(五七)暗示成功运:成功顺利,能平安达到目的。 (上)
人格与地格搭配(五三)暗示基础运:安定、能避开灾祸,能获得意外进展。 (上)

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Song Dedication

Finally, I managed to set up the background music player. Took me a while. Laugh. Okay...There should be music playing in the background. If you can’t hear it, it is probably taking its own sweet time to load. The song title is 就是爱你 by 陶喆.

Yup, I am dedicating this song to a girl whom I love dearly – Yun =)